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AIDS/HIV Nurses: Baraka Dimson, BSN, New York City Nursing Agencies, Nurse-Owned Businesses:"Staff Nurse Inc. is a staffing agency for nursing homes in the state of New York. We staff nursing homes with qualified licensed practical nurses and registered professional nurses. Our rates are extremely competitive and we offer on-going staff development for our nurses. In addition to this we have a department that offers 5 weeks NCLEX review class for repeat NCLEX test takers only. We offer them the support they need and review in a small and intimate classroom environment. Our NCLEX review classes are so good, if after taking it the graduate nurse is still not successful, we allow him or her to continue taking our review classes up to 1 year until they pass the NCLEX and obtain their license.
312-316 East 149th street http://www.nursingentrepreneurs.com/dimson ******************************************************
RichardFerri.com:"Welcome to RichardFerri.com! The goal of this site is to give you information on the real needs of HIV positive people and their medical care. I am an AIDS specialist who is also HIV positive. So my view on living with HIV is more than just lessons learned from a textbook or a clinical exam. I live with this virus and know how it can make you feel.
One of the areas that I am impassioned about is symptom management. Most clinicians do not know how to treat the ongoing symptoms of HIV disease. Many shy away from pain and symptom management because it is too difficult. I welcome treating people's symptoms and getting them back on the road to health." ******************************************************
HIV/AIDS Nursing Certification Board, HANCB:"HANCB has developed protocols for re-certification requirements to ensure ACRNs have continued to maintain competence and/or expand their HIV/AIDS knowledge base within the four (4) year certification/re-certification period. There are two (2) ways a nurse may re-certify as an ACRN. The first is by re-examination. The second is by continuing education credits. Re-certification protocols will be reviewed by the Re-Certification Committee at least once a year to determine if the requirements are complete and meet the goals of maintaining competence and/or enhancing HIV/AIDS nursing practice." Nursing Certification, Recertification, Getting Certified, Why Certify, https://nursefriendly.com/certification/ ****************************************************** Issue Brief: AIDS Drug Assistance Programs: Protease Inhibitor Therapy. ******************************************************
Nineteen Percent Drop in AIDS Deaths Attributed to New Drugs and Better Care: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. deaths from AIDS fell from about 37,900 in the first nine months of 1995 to about 30,700 during the same period in 1996.
AIDS: Facts, Fiction, How to Prevent It
AIDS Knowledge
Base: Comprehensive Resource
AIDS Virtual Library: ******************************************************
The Body: An AIDS and HIV Information Resource ******************************************************
Children With AIDS Project of America: ******************************************************
"Don't Shut Me Out...": A documentary exploring the issues that HIV+ parents struggle with when disclosing their HIV status to their children. The tape presents first-person accounts of the conflicts of four parents who have not yet disclosed, relates the stories of four families who have spoken openly about the parent's HIV status and offers the opinions of an expert in the field. ******************************************************
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
Foundation: The leading U.S. national non-profit organization dedicated
to identifying, funding and conducting basic pediatric HIV/AIDS research.
The HIV/AIDS Ministries Network: ******************************************************
Nightsweats & T-cells: ******************************************************
NOAH: AIDS and HIV Resources: ******************************************************
Management of the Adult with Advanced HIV Disease: Inpatient Care
The Well Project:"The Well Project is an initiative conceived, developed, and administered by HIV+ women and those who are affected by this disease. Our Founder, Dawn Averitt Bridge, was diagnosed with HIV in 1988. Our editorial team consists of several of the most prominent writers and editors on HIV disease and women. Our National Advisory Board reflects the population we serve with more than 60 percent women of color and more than 25 percent HIV+ women." ****************************************************** Discrimination:
The DIRT (on AIDS), Direct Information on
Research and Treatment:"is the electronic newsletter of the AIDS Research Information Center. The DIRT is targeted at AIDS service providers and informed and empowered People Living with HIV. In The DIRT, we publish information that helps People with HIV, and those who care for them, to more fully understand and deal with the HIV disease process. ARIC's information is always carefully checked for medical accuracy and our articles are chosen expressly for clarity, precision, and ease of understanding. Each issue generally adheres to a single current topic or group of topics in AIDS medical care. The DIRT also provides extensive coverage of FDA AIDS drug approvals and the latest AIDS research news. The DIRT is published quarterly (4x/year), with supplementary or double issues produced occasionally. ****************************************************** Pennsylvania Resources:
ACT UP Philadelphia: AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power ******************************************************
ActionAIDS: Philadelphia's largest AIDS service organization, is in partnership with people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, and works to sustain and enhance quality of life. ****************************************************** ******************************************************
The Pills Identification Test: A Tool to Assess Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy, Journal of the American Medical Association:"To the Editor: Adherence to antiretroviral (ARV) treatment among patients with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection is a key issue in controlling viral replication1 and preventing progression to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) or death.2 Assessment of adherence by prescribers often results in overestimating the patient's level of adherence.3 Therefore, simple and reliable tools to independently assess adherence are needed."
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