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A Social Health Atlas of Australia:"The information in this atlas adds to a convincing body of evidence built up over a number of years in Australia on the striking disparities in health that exist between groups in the population. People of low socioeconomic status (those who are relatively socially or economically deprived) experience worse health than those of higher socioeconomic status for almost every major cause of mortality and morbidity. The challenge for policy makers, health practitioners and governments is to find ways to address these health inequities." http://www.publichealth.gov.au/atlas.htm ******************************************************
American Social Health Association:"You've contacted America's authority for sexually transmitted disease information. The American Social Health Association is recognized by the public, patients, providers and policy makers for developing and delivering accurate, medically reliable information about STDs. Public and college health clinics across the US order ASHA educational pamphlets and books to give to clients and students. Community-based organizations depend on ASHA, too, to help communicate about risk, transmission, prevention, testing and treatment.
This is where you will find the facts, the support and the resources to answer your questions, find referrals, join HELP groups, and get access to in-depth information about sexually transmitted diseases."
Indicators: The Journal of Social Health:"The editors of Indicators believe that narrow measures of the economy do not tell us enough about the nation's well-being. Indicators is dedicated to developing and analyzing a comprehensive set of measures of the well-being of the United States and other countries, in order to help develop policies that can improve the true standard of living for all. The views expressed by authors do not necessarily reflect those of the Indicators staff or editorial board. "This journal fills a growing need, not only among economists, but also among policy makers and scholars in many fields." William Wolman, Business Week Magazine." ******************************************************
Social Health, Medical University of South Carolina:"People who have strong social ties (family, friends, community, and work relationships) tend to handle stress better. They also tend to be happier, healthier, and live longer. How healthy is your social life? If your social health is ailing, you can take steps to mend it. Read on to find out how.
Family Ties
Families are groups of people who are connected by blood, marriage, or choice. Families can provide tremendous emotional support, especially in times of crisis. They also can provide a strong foundation of love and acceptance that can fortify you as you handle everyday stressors.
Because they are always changing, growing, and evolving, all families experience stress at one time or another. Big shifts in family dynamics such as a death, divorce, or relocation can rock the foundation of a family. Even everyday stressors can pile up: who left the iron on, who forgot to put the now-moldy clothes in the dryer, how are we going to get everyone to work, school, meetings, and band practice when the car is in the shop?" ******************************************************
Medical and Social Health Benefits Since Abortion Was Made Legal in the U.S., Planned Parenthood Federation of America:"Despite the claims of anti-choice ideologues, many demonstrable health benefits - physical, emotional, and social - have accrued to Americans since 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in its decision, Roe v. Wade.
The most important benefit, of course, has been the end of an era that supported the proliferation of "back alley butchers" who were motivated by money alone and performed unsafe, medically incompetent abortions that left many women dead or injured. And compassionate mainstream physicians, who provided clandestine, medically safe abortions, who did not exploit their patients, and who were motivated by principle rather than by financial concerns, no longer had to fear imprisonment and the loss of their medical licenses for performing abortions after Roe was decided (Joffe, 1995). Today, as the 30th anniversary of this landmark decision approaches, it is important to remember how far Roe has brought us as a society and to note some of the many benefits that resulted from the legalization of abortion." ******************************************************
The Sexual Health Network, Inc.:"All too often, sexual health is overlooked or ignored in the health care system. The most common reasons for not providing sexual health care services include anxiety with regard to discussing sexuality with patients, inadequate training in the area of sexual health care, lack of appropriate curriculum, and the belief that it is someone else's responsibility. Compounding the problem are societal attitudes towards sexuality and misconceptions about sexuality as it relates to people with disabilities, chronic illness, children, older adults, and those who just do not fit the media stereotype of sexy. Silence about sexual health related issues has made access to sexual health care from traditional sources difficult resulting in unnecessary suffering for many but especially for people with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and even natural changes associated with growing older." ******************************************************
Social Health Education, Inc.:"Social Health Education, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing responsible, developmentally appropriate sexuality education to children, adolescents, and adults in the Greater Cincinnati area." ******************************************************
Society For Social Medicine:"Social medicine is the study of health in its widest sense. It recognizes the broad determinants of health - income and poverty, education, environmental factors such as housing and transport - as well as health care and genetic influences. The Society aims to promote the development of scientific knowledge in social medicine. This covers a range of subjects including epidemiology, the medical and health needs of society, the provision and organization of health services and the prevention of disease.
The nature of social medicine requires a multi-disciplinary approach to the development of scientific knowledge. The disciplines involved include medicine, epidemiology, statistics, economics, social science and many others. Membership of the Society is open to anyone whose work is consistent with the Society's objective. This inclusive criterion has led to a membership which comes from many disciplines and backgrounds but which shares research interests and methodologies." ******************************************************
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