4Nursing.com, Nursing & Healthcare Resources
Ohio Legal Nurse Consulting Services
Michelle M.Thornton, RN, M-D & Associates

The Shortcut URL To This Section Is: http://www.legalnursingconsultant.org/thornton

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The following form contents were entered on 26th Apr 5, 2005

Your Name: Michelle M.Thornton, RN

Your Business Name (if applicable): M.Thornton Consulting Services

Business Organization Type: Sole Proprietorship

Please describe your business: Home-based consultant company.

E-Mail: MTHORNTON2@cinci.rr.com

Homepage Address: http://www.legalnursingconsultant.org/thornton

What type of business or categories under which you would like to be listed: Legal nurse Consultants

Address: 4001 Hillside Avenue

City, State, Zip: Cincinnati, Ohio 45204

Contact person(s): Michelle Thornton

Phone number: 513-921-2450 or 513-600-1028

In what date (month/year) did you start your business?: 04/2005

What kind of nursing do you do?:

How did you hear about the Nurse Entrepreneur Homesite?: LNC search

How many years have you been practicing as a nurse: 18

What made you decide to start your own business?: I am unable to practice clinically because of a severe latex allergy and I wanted to remain active in the practice of nursing. I have many years of valuable clinical practice and I feel that it would be wasted if I did not pursue an avenue to utilize my skills.

Employment changes in career?: I have practiced in long-term care for 10 years and I practiced for 7 years in acute care. My background includes 5years in Critical care as well as emergency room experience.

What specific qualities and traits do you feel make nurses especially qualified to operate a business?: I am driven and goal oriented. I have the desire to succeed and persevere despite many obstacles. I know that my clinical experience is invaluable and I also know that it will enable me to continue to serve others in a beneficial manner. I am not satisfied with less than exceptional and I believe my business will directly reflect these characteristics.

Where do you work?: no


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Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on January 12, 2023

This page was created on Wednesday May 25, 2005
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